
Showing posts from May, 2022

Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness Review

    Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness Review by Akshat Agarwal It is truly fascinating how the Internet has changed the film industry. Besides streaming services, far more publicized and accessible casting data means that people are able to predict with ease quite a few of the plot twists that a movie might attempt to have.  To Marvel’s credit, they do try to lean into this and by creating this massive cinematic universe, they have created a niche entertainment model wherein people will spend hours reviewing trailers and movies frame by frame to then speculate on what might be in the movie.  Unfortunately for Marvel, like all sciences, these YouTubers and TikTokers are getting rather good at speculating to the point where a lot of the twists of Multiverse of Madness fell short.  In an unfortunately more common occurrence with regards to Marvel movies, I find myself having mixed feelings for Doctor Strange. The CGI was a little disappointing an...

Moon Knight Review

  Moon Knight by Akshat Agarwal If you know me, it’s no secret that I am a huge Batman fan. So I know what I am saying when I tell you that Moon Knight  did an amazing job of avoiding the Batman trap. In the comics, one of Moon Knight’s alters is Steven Grant, a wealthy businessman who finances Moon Knight’s crusade. Understandably, this makes it hard to distinguish Moon Knight from the Dark Knight. Additionally, when Moon Knight first started airing, The Batman  had been in theaters for a short time and so was fresh in everyone’s memory.  It was really a brilliant move on the Marvel Studios team to change up Steven Grant so people didn’t just take it to be Batman but wearing white. I will say, however, that my overall take on this show is a little mixed.  I really liked the beginning. We see the story from multiple different points of view. The show catches us off guard by introducing Steven, a British museum worker. We then get to meet Mark, a taciturn, tough ...